Cordis Magnus

Insane Rhetoric has found a Home

The Department of Homeland Security has betrayed its constitutional obligations

Cordis Magnus  (Nov 02, 2022 01:24 pm)

There are few terms more calculated to cause a political ruckus than "deep state." Since the start of Donald Trump’s presidency almost six years ago, "deep state" has been a catchphrase for anything connected with the U.S. government that is opposed to Republicans .

For a few reasons, I broadly oppose the use of the term. But now we have incontrovertible evidence that, since President Joe Biden took office almost two years ago, powerful federal agencies have acted in exactly the manner that many Republicans feared. They've colluded with Democrats and Big Tech companies against free speech and conservative interests. Along comes the Intercept with a genuine bombshell report about how the Department of Homeland Security has been working behind the scenes with Big Tech, preeminently Twitter and Facebook, to control content. Put another way, to censor social media postings. The Intercept's report is detailed and based on U.S. government documents; nobody in Washington is saying it’s not true. Facebook even created a "special portal" for the DHS and other governmental "partners" to report disinformation directly to have it shut down.

Read it for yourself

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Cordis Magnus