Cordis Magnus

Insane Rhetoric has found a Home

Galactic Empire Requests Amnesty For Anyone Who May Have Gotten Carried Away And Blown Up A Planet

Cordis Magnus  (Nov 03, 2022 12:38 pm)

Acknowledging past decisions that, while well intended, were destructive, and learning a ragtag team of rebels might win again, the Galactic Empire has proposed amnesty for anyone who may have gotten a little carried away and blown up several planets.

"This is supposed to be a happy galaxy. Let's not bicker and argue about who annihilated whose planet," wrote Grand Moff Ardus Kaine in a guest opinion piece published by The Atlantic after polls showed destroying Alderaan just to get a politician to squeal did not sit well with the galaxy's citizens. "Oopsies happen. Forgive and forget, I always say."

Read it yourself!

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Cordis Magnus