Cordis Magnus

Insane Rhetoric has found a Home

Job 40: 3-5

Brother Gaderian  (May 30, 2023 07:01 am)

Then Job answered the Lord: 
    “I am unworthy—how can I reply to you?
        I put my hand over my mouth.
     I spoke once, but I have no answer—
        twice, but I will say no more.”

After Job's tirade against God, and His rebuke, Job finally realizes that he needs to shut up and learn.

It is my hope, that every day, I remember that I need to stop and listen to my Near, Loving, Heavenly Father, when all I have is a rant for the Distant, Apathetic, Master of the Universe.

Listen to Him: He knows your troubles better than anyone, and knows what your need, better than yourself. Listen to Him, and follow His words. You can hear Him, if you quiet your rage, anger and frustration. He wants good things for you, and will guide you to them. Just as with any child, you can hear your Father's calming voice, and wisdom, once you get past your childish tantrums.

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