Cordis Magnus

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Feds Infiltrated J6 Crowds

Cordis Magnus (Nov 16, 2022)

In July 2022 TGP contributor Cara Castronuova released whistleblower documents, text messages, and audio transcripts of FBI informant James Knowles’s communications with his FBI handlers on January 6. The evidence exonerates Trump supporters and the Proud Boys of any conspiracy or planning to storm the US Capitol, to enter the US Capitol, or to overthrow official proceedings.

The FBI had the evidence that there was “no conspiracy” or plans made by the Proud Boys and others to invade and take control of the US Capitol.  The FBI ignored this information from their own operative.  They ran with lies about an insurrection instead.

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Another Miracle!

Cordis Magnus (Nov 14, 2022)

Maggie Hassan had an amazing night on Tuesday.  The unpopular Democrat Senator routed her Republican opponent.  She had such a good night that she won 1,100 votes in a community with a population under 700.

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Galactic Empire Requests Amnesty For Anyone Who May Have Gotten Carried Away And Blown Up A Planet

Cordis Magnus (Nov 03, 2022)

Acknowledging past decisions that, while well intended, were destructive, and learning a ragtag team of rebels might win again, the Galactic Empire has proposed amnesty for anyone who may have gotten a little carried away and blown up several planets.

"This is supposed to be a happy galaxy. Let's not bicker and argue about who annihilated whose planet," wrote Grand Moff Ardus Kaine in a guest opinion piece published by The Atlantic after polls showed destroying Alderaan just to get a politician to squeal did not sit well with the galaxy's citizens. "Oopsies happen. Forgive and forget, I always say."

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The Department of Homeland Security has betrayed its constitutional obligations

Cordis Magnus (Nov 02, 2022)

There are few terms more calculated to cause a political ruckus than "deep state." Since the start of Donald Trump’s presidency almost six years ago, "deep state" has been a catchphrase for anything connected with the U.S. government that is opposed to Republicans .

For a few reasons, I broadly oppose the use of the term. But now we have incontrovertible evidence that, since President Joe Biden took office almost two years ago, powerful federal agencies have acted in exactly the manner that many Republicans feared. They've colluded with Democrats and Big Tech companies against free speech and conservative interests. Along comes the Intercept with a genuine bombshell report about how the Department of Homeland Security has been working behind the scenes with Big Tech, preeminently Twitter and Facebook, to control content. Put another way, to censor social media postings. The Intercept's report is detailed and based on U.S. government documents; nobody in Washington is saying it’s not true. Facebook even created a "special portal" for the DHS and other governmental "partners" to report disinformation directly to have it shut down.

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Democrats have been working on American 'decline by design' for 100 years: Cotton

Cordis Magnus (Nov 01, 2022)

Democrats have been intentionally undermining America's standing for 100 years, and have begun to see results to that effect as of late, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said in an interview airing Sunday on "Life, Liberty & Levin."

The Arkansas Republican, author of "Only the Strong," told Fox News as he was writing his book, President Biden's disastrous pull-out from Afghanistan made him analyze how far America has fallen domestically and in global standing in such a short time.

"I had so many Americans asking me, How did we let this happen? How did we lose to a band of medieval savages? But then, as I began to think more and more about that I got that question in other forms too," he said. 

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General Motors suspends ads on Twitter following Musk takeover

Richard Nader (Oct 31, 2022)

Auto company General Motors (GM) on Friday said it is suspending its advertising on Twitter following Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s takeover of the social media company.

GM, a competitor of Tesla, told CNBC that it is “pausing” advertising on the site as it seeks to determine the new direction of the tech giant.

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Truth Cops

Cordis Magnus (Oct 31, 2022)

Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation

THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY is quietly broadening its efforts to curb speech it considers dangerous, an investigation by The Intercept has found. Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents — obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents — illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.

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Solar panel on home ignites

Cordis Magnus (Oct 19, 2022)

A solar panel on a two-story home on the 25300 block of Avenida Ronada in Newhall caught fire at approximately 12:15 p.m. on Monday, according to Henry Narvaez, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Fire Department.  

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Teens are pouring milk out in grocery stores in new trend to raise awareness about dairy production emissions

Cordis Magnus (Oct 19, 2022)

The latest environmentalist trend is here: pouring out milk in grocery stores.

All across the United Kingdom, teenagers concerned about the environment are doing "milk pours." The new trend involves going into grocery stores, picking up cartons of cow-produced milk, and pouring out their contents, according to the animal rights group Animal Rebellion.

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Our Mad Aristos

Cordis Magnus (Oct 17, 2022)

In the past, ruling classes sought to protect the system that secured their coveted positions. But sometimes, as in the era before the French or Russian Revolutions, some in the ruling circles stopped believing in their religion, their traditions, and their state, only to be exiled, executed, or turned into what the Soviets called “former persons.”

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Mayorkas claims Republicans saying the border is 'open' is 'music to the smugglers' ears'

Cordis Magnus (Oct 16, 2022)

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas waved away criticism from lawmakers calling for his impeachment on Friday, saying that his critics' rhetoric about the border being "open" was inspiring further illegal immigration.

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Biden’s lies, outright fabrications repeatedly dismissed, downplayed and softened by media

Cordis Magnus (Oct 16, 2022)

The media has long downplayed and softened President Biden’s decades-long history of falsehoods, as most recently evidenced by a euphemism-filled New York Times report that referred to outright fabrications and lies as "folklore" stories with "factual edges shaved off."

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Cordis Magnus